My Role
Analysis & Ideation, UX & UI Design, Prototyping

App Analysis, User Testing, Competitive Analysis, Wireframe, Prototype, Iteration

Figma, Mural, Personas

13 weeks
The Fast Like A Girl app is designed to accompany the book Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz. The purpose behind Fast Like a Girl is to provide women with a fasting tool that works with their menstrual cycle, as many other fasting tools are designed with only men in mind. The Fast Like a Girl app is described as a “woman’s guide to using the healing power of fasting to burn fat, boost energy, and balance hormones”. However, there are significant usability shortcomings within the app. Thus, I redesigned the app to enhance user experience, aiming to optimize the app's functionality and ensure users can fully leverage its capabilities.
For optimal viewing experience, click the full screen icon in the top right corner > click “Options” in the top right corner > “Fit - Scale Down to Fit”.
Please note that not all functions have been programmed.
The Process
Discover   ➝   Define  ➝   Develop
User Research & Reporting
To better understand user pain points and the app’s friction points, I conducted user testing with two classmates. The participants were unfamiliar with the Fast Like A Girl app but had used period tracking apps before.

There were several issues that the participants encountered with the Fast Like a Girl App:
• Unclear instructions; they weren’t sure what they were supposed to do or where they were supposed to go
• An overwhelming amount of content with little context
• Font is inconsistent and oftentimes hard to read
• Imagery is inconsistent and looks unprofessional
• Visual hierarchy is lacking and needs improvement
• Overall purpose of the app doesn’t match what they anticipated based on the description
• Functionality can be greatly improved in order to be more user-friendly
People Problem
What is the best way for users to conveniently monitor their cycle, fasting, food intake, mood, and exercise?
User Story
As a user, I aim to efficiently monitor my cycle, food intake, mood, and exercise within the app to optimize my experience.
I crafted two personas to provide direction and insight throughout the redesign process, helping me empathize with the users' needs and preferences.
Informed by the two personas, I formulated contextual scenarios and design requirements to define and reinforce the modifications and features I aimed to incorporate into my redesign.
Problem to Solution​​​​​​​
The Fast Like a Girl app needs a sleek, user-friendly design to address usability concerns, such as unclear purpose and overwhelming navigation. Enhancements are crucial to prevent user frustration and maintain engagement. The new app prioritizes simplicity, clarity, and personalization, guiding users seamlessly through their routines with refined features and content. These improvements ensure a smooth experience, helping users stay on track and maximize their health journey.
At the onset of the design process, I analyzed various health apps like Zero (a fasting tracker), Carb Manager (for food tracking), and Clue (a period tracker), examining their features and designs to draw inspiration for implementing new features in the redesign.
In my initial sketches, I directed my attention to the creation of new pages—Fast, Food, and Activity. These pages, distinct from the original app, represent a fresh and innovative approach to enhance the user experience.
Presented here are the initial wireframes I developed, showcasing my original concepts for both the home page and the dedicated tracking feature page. In the second wireframe iteration, I combined the home page and tracking page.
Wireframes V1
Wireframes V2
Before & After Redesign
Original Design
The original Fast Like a Girl app featured just three primary screens: the Home/Cycle Page, the Track Page, and the Lifestyle Page. However, in terms of functionality, the user's options were quite limited. Recognizing the need for both an aesthetic and functional upgrade, I sought to enhance not only the visual appeal but also the usability of the app.
New Design
My redesign focuses on emphasizing Sleep, Mood, Energy Level, and Cycle tracking, integrating it seamlessly onto the home page for user convenience. Additionally, I introduced a dedicated Fast Page to monitor fasting progress and a Food Page for calorie tracking and nutrition insights. The inclusion of an Activity Page allows users to monitor exercise routines effortlessly. Each section includes a 'Recommendations' button for personalized suggestions aligned with the user's goals, aiming to transform the Fast Like a Girl app into a comprehensive health and wellness platform.

Revamping this app provided me with a profound sense of achievement. Initially drawn to it for personal use, I found the original version too convoluted to navigate, despite its intriguing concept. When presented with the opportunity to redesign an app, I knew instantly that this one was my priority.

Check out more of my work!

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